Day 5 - Left Nostril Breathing + Write to Your Worry

Write to your Worry

Do you have a worry or a fear that keeps popping up over and over? Maybe it is based on something that happened to you in a game, a mistake you have made, or a worry about a big game coming up?

Research from Harvard shows that when you write about your fears or anxieties before a big test or sports game, you are more likely to perform better. So in this exercise, we are going to write directly to the worry. Visualize your worry, you could even name it, or imagine what it were to look like as an animal, cartoon character etc.

When you have a clear image in your head, speak directly to the worry - something like this:

“Walter the Worry - I know that you are trying to protect me, and I am thankful for that, but I don’t need you today because I am ready. I have prepared for this game as much as I can, and I know that I will do my best. We can chat again after the game, but until then - please sit at the sidelines and cheer me on!”
By speaking like this to the worry, you:

  • Acknowledge the worry
  • State your own strength
  • State why you are ready
  • Give a time to the worry to come back another time
  • Turn the worry into a positive force to support you! 

You are taking control of the worry, instead of allowing the worry taking control of you. 

Complete and Continue