Maintaining Consistency in Mindfulness Practice

Importance of Consistency

One of the most important parts of a mindfulness practice for you as a teen athlete is to be consistent every day. You don't have to spend long, I know you are busy, but to get the most out of this mindfulness journey - you do need to practice every day.

Consistency helps in developing a strong mindfulness practice, which can lead to improved focus, mental toughness, and overall performance in your sport.

So how do you do this?

  • Figure out a time that works best for YOU. Maybe it is as soon as you wake up, maybe it's after school, maybe it's before bed - it really doesn't matter when it is, it just matters that as much as possible it is the same time every day. The goal is for mindfulness to become as habitual as brushing your teeth!
  • Be realistic with how much time you have every day for this. It is better to do 5 minutes every day than 1 hour once a month.
  • Include the mindfulness exercises in this course into your pre-competition rituals - go through the Pre-Game Toolbox Section before every big game - make it your thing!
  • Include teammates in your mindfulness practices to make it a fun, team ritual.

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