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Mindfulness for Teen Athletes
Before You Get Started
Course Deets
What is Mindfulness & How Can it Help You as a Teen Athlete?
What Do I Need For This Course?
Week 1
Day 1 - Watch your breath + Daily Journal
Day 2 - Box Breathing + Gratitude Journal
Day 3 - Body Awareness Meditation
Day 4 - Visualizing An Object
Day 5 - Yoga + Visualizing a Practice
Day 6 - Visualizing Water + Squiggles
Day 7 - Weekly Review
Week 2
Day 1 - 4-7-8 breathing
Day 2 - Progressive Relaxation Meditation + Your Mantra
Day 3 - Grounding Yoga
Day 4 - Visualizing Something That Made You Smile
Day 5 - Left Nostril Breathing + Write to Your Worry
Day 6 - Guided Visualization
Day 7 - Weekly Review
Week 3
Day 1 - Focus on the journey
Day 2 - Sigh breath + Mindful Eating
Day 3 - Visualize a Training Session + Color The Sound
Day 4 - Focus Meditation + Focus Yoga
Day 5 - Confidence yoga
Day 6 - Visualize a Goal
Day 7 - Weekly Review
Congratulations on Completing Mindfulness for Teen Athletes!
Maintaining Consistency in Mindfulness Practice
Overcoming Challenges
Dealing with Performance Anxiety
Handling Setbacks and Failures
Mindful Communication
Pre-Game Toolbox
Night Before - Squiggles
Night Before - Meditation
Night Before - Yoga
Before The Game - Shake It Out
Before The Game - Grounding 3-3-3
Before The Game - Meditation
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Dealing with Performance Anxiety
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