Day 3 - Visualize a Training Session + Color The Sound

“Color the Sound”

This is such a simple and beautiful exercise to be able to step out of your worries & over-active brain, and into an enjoyable meditation. It is especially helpful if you are someone who struggles for typical meditations, where you are expected to stay still.

What you’ll need for this:

  • A piece of paper 
  • 2 markers
  • Music 

You will be playing the music, closing your eyes, and allowing the marker to move across the paper to the beat of the music. It is really nice to use 2 different songs for this exercise - 1 with a strong beat, and another that is more mellow. As you allow the marker to move, really listen to the music, allow your hand to flow, allow your body to flow if that feels right. Give yourself at least a minute with each song. And remember that it truly does not matter what the ‘drawing’ looks like - it is about the feeling of connecting to the music, and focusing your mind & body on 1 thing.

Some songs that work well:

Strong beat 

Star Wars Main Theme Tune 

Symphony No 5 - Beethoven

Believer - Imagine Dragons 

Don’t Stop Believing - Journey 

Are you Ready For It? - Taylor Swift 

More Mellow Beat 

Golden Hour 

All That You Have Is Your Soul - Tracy Chapman 

Any kind of meditation music 

So Long London - Taylor Swift 

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